Posts Tagged ‘Mumm-Ra’

Mumm-Ra vs. Gargamel Finished!

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

So I finally finished my first real digital painting. And by “finished”, I mean I’ve grown tired of working on it.

I’ve learned that its even more tempting to work on a digital painting forever than it is with an actual painting. Maybe because you never run out of paint.  Although, I suppose in theory you could run out of disk space if the file is too huge. Anyway, I learned a lot with this. I did a lot of things ass-backwards and made a lot of extra work for myself. I’m not even sure if I’m using the best Photoshop tools, or if I’m layers in the most efficient way and all that. It sure took me a long time, and I am not really satisfied with the background. I got pretty lazy about it, actually. There’s just a brick wall, a half-assed ceiling and floor, and a big caldron full of molten Smurfs, I guess. And Gargamel apparently stirs is soup with that tiny spoon he’s using to clobber Mumm-Ra. Aside from the caldron, though, the room is just big and empty. I suppose next time I should give more thought to the overall composition BEFORE I start. Not sure what I’ll paint next…

Mumm-Ra vs. Gargamel

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Things have been kind of crazy as of  late, and I’ve found myself feeling somewhat uninspired. I have been plugging along on the webcomic Mirthless Myth, and although I am satisfied with how it is coming along, I was feeling a bit of the writer’s block. Then suddenly today I got an idea that has made me somewhat excited. I will start doing some wacky paintings featuring some pop culture icons, mostly characters from from toys and cartoons I liked growing up. I got so excited about this first idea that I got right to work on the sketch for it:

Yep, that is Mumm-Ra from The Thundercats vs. Gargamel (with Azrael) from The Smurfs. I am not sure when I will actually be able to start paining, but hopefully it will be soon. Keep checking back here to see my progress.