Archive for the ‘Artwork’ Category

Giants in Latham

Saturday, December 20th, 2014

Lately, I have only been doing one actual (non-digital) painting per year, and it typically turns out to be the Christmas present for my friend Jeff. It usually features an old-time wrestler, and this year I chose Andre the Giant. I thought it would be fun if I teamed him up with Godzilla and had the two of them eating ice cream while romping around my hometown of Latham, NY. Since my friend is from the same town, I knew he would appreciate the reference to the now-extinct Latham Water Tower. I presented the painting to him tonight, and he seemed to like it.


Andre the Giant detail:


Godzilla detail:


OK, now for a year of digital painting and writing erotic stories…

Cupcake Cat

Thursday, October 16th, 2014

Here is the illustration I did for my wife’s birthday card this year. I was initially not excited about the project, as I was already in the middle of working on the cover my next sci-fi erotica story. However, in the end, the card turned out to be probably the best digital painting I’ve ever done:


Here is a detail of the cat. Zoidberg is a pretty good model, isn’t he:


And now here’s a detail of the cupcake wrapper, which was largely painted without a specific source:



I should say, I find painting fur and wood grain much more fun and less stressful than painting dinosaur scales. That book cover illustration is almost finished, by the way. I should have it posted in a week or so.

Prehistoric Passion from Mars, at Amazon

Sunday, June 22nd, 2014

The short dinosaur erotica story  for which I recently illustrated the cover is now available on Amazon. Prehistoric Passion from Mars is not for everyone, by all means. It is likely to be pretty disturbing for most people, actually. Still, if curiosity gets the better of you, the book can be purchased for $2.99 here. I encourage people to go to Amazon and write a review. Even if you don’t buy or read it, just write a review for the cover.




PG-13 Version of Dinosaur Erotica Cover

Monday, June 2nd, 2014

OK, so here’s a slightly less racy version of the illustration I posted yesterday. Maybe a bit less areola will get it passed censors. I bet it will still make my mom cry…





Another Dinosaur Erotica Illustration

Sunday, June 1st, 2014

A few months ago I did an unsolicited illustration for a very specific genre of fiction in attempt to get the attention of the authors. No e-mails came and no commissions. I decided the only way to get myself out there was to write my own story and do the cover for it. The story is in the editing stages at the moment, but I just finished the cover. Here it is:


and here’s a detail:


The figure and the dinosaur are a little looser and less detailed, but the composition is a little bit more developed since I’m working for a specific story. Without mentioning the title or plot, what does this cover reveal?

B-Day Card 2014

Monday, April 7th, 2014

Here is the card my wife made for my birthday. Once again, it features our cats. In additional to celebrating my birthday, this card also celebrates my completion of the American Council on Exercise Group Fitness certification.


Leela in the Chocolate

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

This is the card my wife made me for Valentine’s Day. It features our cat, Leela, doing her favorite thing: putting her ass on our stuff.



It is a good likeness, and a good card I think. my wife’s a genius.

Gibbon Artist

Saturday, February 15th, 2014

People say that all I ever paint are gorillas. Well, here’s a painting of a completely different primate. This gibbon happens to himself be an artist- a “mixed media” artist of a sort. Many might find the content of this image a bit inappropriate for a Valentine’s Day card, but that’s exactly what this illustration was for. And my wife, who loves primates, was not at all put off by gibbon’s unconventional choice of tools.



In case you thought that was just very dry-looking paint on his palette, here’s a detail:



In a few days, I will post the Valentine’s Day card my wife made for me. Also, I will soon begin writing what I hope to be the next great American erotica short story. Stay tuned for updates.

X-mas For The Noid

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

I wasn’t the only one who was late finishing an X-mas card illustration. My wife didn’t finish this until after I finished my Giant Gorilla digital painting. In case any of you missed the explanation of the Noid’s significance in our household, it is all about our cat Dr. Zoidberg. I call him Zoids for short, and since that rhymes with “noid”, I am always telling him to “Avoid the Noid” in reference to those old Domino’s Pizza commercials. As you can see in this drawing, Zoids has made peace with The Noid under some X-mas mistletoe:


X-mas for Giant Gorilla

Monday, January 13th, 2014

So, today is January 13 and I just now finished the illustration for my wife’s X-mas card. I can’t explain why it took so long to finish, I guess time just got away from me. It’s been doing that a lot lately, although maybe this time it’s because I had to do more prospective drawing. Anyway, here it is:



I’m pretty happy with how it came out, I suppose. I just wish it didn’t take me so long. I probably need to start working on the illustration for Valentine’s Day if I ever hope to finish on time.