Posts Tagged ‘Faker’

Faker and Teela Wedding

Monday, July 25th, 2011

My friend Travis, the commissioner of both my Faker and Teela watercolor painting, and the Man-E-Faces vs. Shakespeare tattoo design, got married last Friday. I decided I’d create a Masters of the Universe wedding card that I thought both he and his lovely bride Lori would appreciate:

This is my third digital painting that I have completed in about a month and a half. Of course, by “completed” I mean “stopped working on”. This time, I had to be finished so I could print it onto a card and give it to them, which turned out to be only 2 days from when I got around to starting it. While there’s kind of a raw look to it, I think I prefer it to the ultra-smooth, air-brushed look to parts of my previous paintings. If you could see this larger and at a higher res, you’d notice there are actually brush stroke-type marks I made to approximate texture. I did this a bit in the other paintings, but then had sections of the other pieces which were overly smooth. I prefer to be more consistent in the future. My favorite part in this one is the veins on Faker’s arm. Let me know what you think. BTW, I’m hoping they open their card before seeing this blog post. I’d hate to have ruined the surprise.

Faker and Teela

Friday, September 25th, 2009

A friend of mine commissioned this piece as a birthday gift for his girlfriend. From a technical standpoint, it is not my tightest painting. However, because of the nostalgia for the subject matter, I am pretty happy with the overall content.


Faker, the robotic He-man impostor created by Skeletor, was quite a preposterous character. While his build and features were a dead-on likeness to He-man, his blue skin, orange hair, and visible Vader-like control panel on his chest made him a less than convincing decoy. In this painting, I like to think that Teela is fully aware that the man kissing her is Faker, but plans to play dumb so she can’t be blamed for cheating on He-man. Clearly, Faker is the better lover. The theme and composition of this piece is actually based on an old Christmas card, which is equally racy:


There’s no excuse for Santa’s behavior here. At least Teela and He-man weren’t married. Also, Faker IS actually supposed to be a villain. But children look up to Santa, and this is a poor example he’s setting. Anyway, I’m sure he got a frying pan to the back of the head when he came home that night. Who knew the Easter Bunny was such a home-wrecker!