Archive for the ‘Artwork’ Category

Devil’s X-mas

Monday, December 5th, 2011

I know it may spoil the surprise for the family members I send X-mas cards to, but I worked hard on this, so I’ve decided to post it.

Devil X-mas

It look me longer than I think it should have, but I’m still learning how to digitally paint. I actually used photos of a friend of mine as the inspiration for The Devil. Writchy doesn’t always look like Satan, but for some reason he did on October 30, 2011. Go figure. In addition to modeling for X-mas cards, Writchy is a brilliant writer, and you should check out his work at Intrusive Thoughts. I won’t be selling this card, as it is no longer cost-effective for me to either print and distribute cards myself, or have them printed in bulk. I still have a few older X-mas card packs for sale at Donkeyshines, so check them out if you haven’t already.

Interplanetary Adoption

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Years ago, I did a pencil sketch of a gorilla holding a baby alien for a birthday card to my wife. She loves primates. As I recently have been teaching myself digital painting in Photoshop, I decide to revisit this idea for a new birthday card to my wife. I am pretty happy with the results. Not only is it by far my best digital painting so far, it may be one of the best pieces of art I’ve ever made.

Buffy and Bella

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

This is the second painting in my Twilight and Buffy series.

It is my fourth digital painting since I began trying to teach myself how to do it. I like to think I’ve made some progress since I did the first of this series, Angel and Edward. I’m still trying to figure out a process that is efficient and yields the results that I’m looking for. My goal is for these to look more like paintings and less like those 80’s style airbrush illustrations that you’d find on Trapper Keepers and lunch boxes. I want their to be some weight, some texture, and even some evidence of “brush work”. I’m still trying to figure it out, and hopefully this latest painting is a step in the right direction.

Corn Hat

Friday, August 19th, 2011

A can of corn can also be worn as a hat. But you have to be careful…

The Boss is Angry

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

Pineapple-Man is exasperated. All he asks of his employees is that they dress appropriately and do their jobs. He’s got one guy who shows up to work dressed like a clown, and another guy who’s just lounging around all day.

Tiny Head

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

This man has a tiny head, and is therefore gawked at often.

Flying Fish Bowl

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

There are flying fish, and their are flying fish bowls.

Flowers n’ Pie

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

You heard the viking man- He likes certain things.

Faker and Teela Wedding

Monday, July 25th, 2011

My friend Travis, the commissioner of both my Faker and Teela watercolor painting, and the Man-E-Faces vs. Shakespeare tattoo design, got married last Friday. I decided I’d create a Masters of the Universe wedding card that I thought both he and his lovely bride Lori would appreciate:

This is my third digital painting that I have completed in about a month and a half. Of course, by “completed” I mean “stopped working on”. This time, I had to be finished so I could print it onto a card and give it to them, which turned out to be only 2 days from when I got around to starting it. While there’s kind of a raw look to it, I think I prefer it to the ultra-smooth, air-brushed look to parts of my previous paintings. If you could see this larger and at a higher res, you’d notice there are actually brush stroke-type marks I made to approximate texture. I did this a bit in the other paintings, but then had sections of the other pieces which were overly smooth. I prefer to be more consistent in the future. My favorite part in this one is the veins on Faker’s arm. Let me know what you think. BTW, I’m hoping they open their card before seeing this blog post. I’d hate to have ruined the surprise.

A Lesson in Fire Safety

Sunday, July 17th, 2011

Some bears are more pessimistic when it comes to fire prevention.