Posts Tagged ‘Twilight’

Buffy and Bella

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

This is the second painting in my Twilight and Buffy series.

It is my fourth digital painting since I began trying to teach myself how to do it. I like to think I’ve made some progress since I did the first of this series, Angel and Edward. I’m still trying to figure out a process that is efficient and yields the results that I’m looking for. My goal is for these to look more like paintings and less like those 80’s style airbrush illustrations that you’d find on Trapper Keepers and lunch boxes. I want their to be some weight, some texture, and even some evidence of “brush work”. I’m still trying to figure it out, and hopefully this latest painting is a step in the right direction.

Angel and Edward

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Before Edward was staring longingly at Bella, fighting his metaphorically sinful nature, there was a vampire with a soul named Angel who had similar dilemma involving a certain vampire slayer he happened to be in love with. I’m certainly not the first geek to wonder about what it would be like if these two hunks were to meet. However, most of the forum discussions seem to be about which vamp would come out on top in a fight, so I thought I would explore a different scenario. What if Angel and Edward fell head over heels in love?

When I googled “Angel and Edward”, I found a link to a site called “Angel and Edward’s Wedding”, but the site had been taken down. For all I know that could have been the wedding site for two real people. It was ranked pretty high in the search, however, which means there must have been more guests at that wedding than there are geeky Twighlight and Buffy fans. That would have been a wedding larger than the San Diego ComicCon. Anyway, it took me about 8 days to complete this digital painting, and for the most part I am happy with it. There’s something stiff and flat about the way Edward came out and something is not quite right with Angel. I figured any Buffy fan would recognize this composition as the Season 2 dvd cover. Anyone who didn’t get the reference probably wouldn’t know who Angel was anyway, so it wouldn’t matter if it was a poor likeness of David Boreanaz. It actually took me much longer to finish Robert Pattinson, as there was no single photo that captured the pose I was after. Therefore, I needed to use a bunch of different references, as I did with my Angelina Jolie vs a Basket of Kittens painting. I prefer doing this anyway because it just feels more original than outright copying another person’s photograph. Since I am not planning on selling this, I guess there should be no legal concerns. Incidentally, all of you are free to pass this around, etc. I would be grateful, though, if you sent a link back here! Also, let me know what you think of the painting. Think of it as my way of celebrating the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York!

Review- The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Monday, June 28th, 2010

For fans of action-oriented vampire films, the latest installment in the Twilight Saga: Eclipse may be somewhat of a disappointment. For me, though, I found the dull, sloth-like plot to be original and refreshing.  As any Mormon can tell you, vampires aren’t all about the sex and blood. Immortality means an infinite amount of time for reflection and personal growth, even if you are so young when you become a vampire that you can never grow a beard to expound your wisdom.

This chapter begins with the romantic vampire Edward witnessing the love of his life Bella receiving oral pleasure from his wolfman rival Jacob. The scene is surprisingly graphic, as we see Jacob planted squarely between Bella’s legs, lifting his head  only to occasionally reassure her that oral sex doesn’t actually count as “sex”. Edward, watching through the window just above the bed, is not convinced. We see that he is so disappointed in Bella that he can’t even muster the energy to be angry. His muffled sobs are heard by the lovers inside, but he dashes off with vampire speed before Bella can scramble out of the house to “explain” the situation. She finally catches up with him on the edge of a cliff where he is staring directly into a solar eclipse. He is attempting to burn out his retinas in order remove the terrible vision of infidelity he has just witnessed. Unfortunately for him, this masochistic act is undone by his super vampire healing powers only moments after he loses his sight. Realizing that his temporary handicap earned him sympathy and affection from Bella, he spends the next act of the film faking blindness to keep her by his side. However, Jacob is also blinded when he gets shot in both eyes by silver bullets, and Edward loses his pity advantage. Eddie is forced to come clean about regaining his sight when he instinctively reacts to the visual cue of Jacob leaning in to kiss him. Jacob, legitimately blind, insists that he mistook Edward’s flowery scent for Bella’s. It is ambiguous as to whether or not he is telling the truth about this, and we’re left wondering what his true motivations for the attempted kiss really are.

One of the problems viewers might have with the film is that it ends before the near-kiss between the two boyish monsters is resolved. It is clear that this will be a major plot point in the next sequel, but, if you expect a formulaic Hollywood ending to this one, you will probably not leave the theater feeling very satisfied. Perhaps Robert Pattinson’s brooding subtlety is not quite subtle enough to earn him an Oscar this time, but it is encouraging to see him beginning to develop into the talent he is destined to be. The rest of the cast has a way to go before they catch up to him, but the masterful direction and cinematography make up for any of their shortcomings. I, for one, am grateful that director David Slade decided to take a cue from fellow vampire expert Joss Whedon in giving his audience what it NEEDS, instead of what it wants.