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June 21 is International T-Shirt Day!

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

ATTENTION EVERYONE! Today is June 21, 2012 which is International T-Shirt Day! I’m celebrating by offering a redonkulous $10 coupon at the main Donkeyshines store! That’s a pretty good deal, considering no T-shirt at Donkeyshines is more than $19.99, and we have shirts for as low as $11.99! Hurry on down, cuz I will have to destroy that coupon first thing tomorrow morning in order to keep from going out of bizniss! Use coupon code t-day10off at checkout! Note: Coupon is only valid at the main Donkeyshines store, not at Donkeyshines Jr.

Poison Dart Frog

Monday, June 18th, 2012

OK, so after a year and a half of primarily making t-shirt designs using Print-on-demand methods, I’ve decided its time to finally do another screen-printed shirt. I’ll be using Kickstarter to fund the printing cost, but first, I need to figure out which color T-shirt I will be printing it on. I’m going to do a little informal vote for all Donkeyshines fans, to see which of the following three color combos is the most popular.

Banana cream yellow shirt- This provides the most contrast with the graphic. On the other hand, yellow isn’t usually anyone’s favorite color.

Kelly Green T-Shirt- I like the red against the green in the file, but it’s hard to tell whether or not the shirt will actually be so dark that the black legs don’t stand out enough.

Tahiti Blue T-Shirt- Not much to say about this, except blue is a pretty popular shirt color.

OK, everyone! Lemme know what you think! Tell me your color choice in the form of a comment on the Facebook post.

A Day in the Park

Friday, May 4th, 2012

It’s been a long time since I posted, and that’s because I’ve been busy trying to finish this:

I am not exactly sure why I did this, but I think it sums me up as a person. It is not all that polished of a digital painting, but it is as tight as I’m ever going to get. The subject matter is typical American life in the 2010’s from the prospective of innocence. I don’t really know what that last sentence means. Anyway, there are details in this painting that I’m hoping people find and appreciate. Here’s a partial list:

  • The child seems indifferent to what he’s doing, even though he’s clearly doing it on purpose- Why is he staring off into space? Doesn’t he like ice cream? Why does he look somewhat sad?
  • The Goat-man seems repulsed by the family- Even before he ended up with ice cream on his lap, you get the sense he had pushed himself as far towards the end of the bench as possible in order to create space between himself and the child. He probably wishes he had chosen to stand.
  • The Goat-man is naked except for the bright red sneakers- Also, the laces seem to disappear. Maybe they’re tucked into the sneakers. All I know is that I didn’t feel like drawing the knot.
  • The child is not wearing shoes- This is because, after doing 2 pairs, I got tired of drawing shoes. And only one of them has laces. Laces are a pain in the ass to draw, and not very satisfying.
  • Neither the child nor the mother are concerned that a scary-looking beast is sharing a park bench with them- Also, the nudity doesn’t seem to be a problem for them.

Let me know if you see any other details you like. I believe this is my most important work so far.  I’m hoping this painting can change the world at least a little bit.

Fried Chicken Rules

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

Drawing of the Day

Heavy Hammer

Friday, March 16th, 2012

Drawing of the Day:


Monday, March 12th, 2012

Again, it’s been a while since I posted a doodle. This guy went to RIT in Rochester, NY, apparently.

Latham Water Tower

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

I am from a little suburban town outside of Albany, NY called Latham. This is where my formative years were spent. I went to elementary school, junior high and high school there. I fell in both lust and love for the first time there. I ate my first burrito there, saw my first shooting star, got kicked in the balls for the first time, was bitten by a snake for the first time, learned how to ride a bike…you get the idea. Anyway, recently, they tore down my favorite Latham landmark, which was this pair of checkered water towers right off the exit ramp from the highway. Instead of crying about it, I decided to immortalize this glorious structure on a t-shirt:

If you’re from Latham, the Albany area, the tri-state region, or if you just happen to really love water towers or checker patterns or shirts that say “never forget” and have some not-that-serious thing you’re supposed to remember, then you should go to Donkeyshines Jr. and check out the design. It comes on many styles of shirt, including children’s size.

Giant Gorilla Valentine

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

Here is the Valentine’s Day card I made for my wife this year.

Some of you may be wondering why I didn’t draw the giant gorilla’s junk. Initially, I just didn’t think about it. I’ve drawn many, many apes, looking at many, many sources for reference and never have I actually taken notice of what a gorilla’s junk looks like. Somehow the junk must have always been obscured by the ape’s position or whatever, and I apparently didn’t need that information for whatever ape pose I was drawing. In THIS drawing, however, the lack of gorilla junk is pretty noticeable. I even had a chance to cover that area with clouds, but for whatever reason, I just didn’t realize until after I was finished. I suppose I could still go back into it and either add gorilla junk or move that one cloud slightly lower, but I’m just too lazy. Also, as always, I need to stop myself now, or I could keep working on the same drawing forever. Perhaps the next time I draw a gorilla (which will definitely be some time this year) I will add the junk. We’ll just have to wait and see. Perhaps the next gorilla I draw will be wearing pants.

Undead Warriors

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Drawing of the day

Harry Potter and The Woman in Black

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

J.K. Rowling told us all that the Harry Potter movies would keep getting darker, but nobody could have expected that they would eventually devolve into little more than B-grade horror flicks. Also, apparently, she didn’t even write a novel for this latest one, and had nothing to do with the production of the film. In fact, if Daniel Radcliffe wasn’t in it, you might not even know that Harry Potter and The Woman in Black was a Harry Potter movie at all. He doesn’t dress like Harry Potter, he doesn’t have a magic wand, he flies on a flying carpet instead of a broom, and he apparently had cosmetic surgery to remove the lightning bolt birth mark from his forehead.  The only thing he kept so that his fans will recognize him is his Harry Potter accent.

As much as this film strays from its source material, it isn’t without its charm. In fact, some of the changes are very bold and exciting. I won’t bore you with plot details, as the plot is extremely boring, but I will ruin the entire movie for you by revealing the surprise twist ending: The Woman in Black turns out to be Voldemort seeking revenge on all mankind for the botched sex change operation s/he received.  That s/he should blame “all mankind” for the malpractice of one plastic surgeon certainly isn’t fair, but then again, we already knew s/he was kind of crazy and not very nice. The real twist ending is that the doctor who removed Harry’s lightening bolt birthmark is the mentor of the intern who prepped Voldemort for her/his sex change. Naturally, this causes Harry and Voldemort to fall in love. Prepare yourselves, as their big kiss is even more awkward than when Voldemort hugs Malfoy at the end of Deathly Hallows Part 2.