Archive for the ‘Donkeyshines Announcements’ Category

Poison Dart Frog Shirt!

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Thanks to Kickstarter, and some wonderful backers who supported the project, I am pleased to announce that the Poison Dart Frog T-Shirts have been printed and are now available at Donkeyshines at the rock-bottom price of $16.99!

Hurray for new t-shirts!

June 21 is International T-Shirt Day!

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

ATTENTION EVERYONE! Today is June 21, 2012 which is International T-Shirt Day! I’m celebrating by offering a redonkulous $10 coupon at the main Donkeyshines store! That’s a pretty good deal, considering no T-shirt at Donkeyshines is more than $19.99, and we have shirts for as low as $11.99! Hurry on down, cuz I will have to destroy that coupon first thing tomorrow morning in order to keep from going out of bizniss! Use coupon code t-day10off at checkout! Note: Coupon is only valid at the main Donkeyshines store, not at Donkeyshines Jr.

Poison Dart Frog

Monday, June 18th, 2012

OK, so after a year and a half of primarily making t-shirt designs using Print-on-demand methods, I’ve decided its time to finally do another screen-printed shirt. I’ll be using Kickstarter to fund the printing cost, but first, I need to figure out which color T-shirt I will be printing it on. I’m going to do a little informal vote for all Donkeyshines fans, to see which of the following three color combos is the most popular.

Banana cream yellow shirt- This provides the most contrast with the graphic. On the other hand, yellow isn’t usually anyone’s favorite color.

Kelly Green T-Shirt- I like the red against the green in the file, but it’s hard to tell whether or not the shirt will actually be so dark that the black legs don’t stand out enough.

Tahiti Blue T-Shirt- Not much to say about this, except blue is a pretty popular shirt color.

OK, everyone! Lemme know what you think! Tell me your color choice in the form of a comment on the Facebook post.

Latham Water Tower

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

I am from a little suburban town outside of Albany, NY called Latham. This is where my formative years were spent. I went to elementary school, junior high and high school there. I fell in both lust and love for the first time there. I ate my first burrito there, saw my first shooting star, got kicked in the balls for the first time, was bitten by a snake for the first time, learned how to ride a bike…you get the idea. Anyway, recently, they tore down my favorite Latham landmark, which was this pair of checkered water towers right off the exit ramp from the highway. Instead of crying about it, I decided to immortalize this glorious structure on a t-shirt:

If you’re from Latham, the Albany area, the tri-state region, or if you just happen to really love water towers or checker patterns or shirts that say “never forget” and have some not-that-serious thing you’re supposed to remember, then you should go to Donkeyshines Jr. and check out the design. It comes on many styles of shirt, including children’s size.

Devil’s X-mas

Monday, December 5th, 2011

I know it may spoil the surprise for the family members I send X-mas cards to, but I worked hard on this, so I’ve decided to post it.

Devil X-mas

It look me longer than I think it should have, but I’m still learning how to digitally paint. I actually used photos of a friend of mine as the inspiration for The Devil. Writchy doesn’t always look like Satan, but for some reason he did on October 30, 2011. Go figure. In addition to modeling for X-mas cards, Writchy is a brilliant writer, and you should check out his work at Intrusive Thoughts. I won’t be selling this card, as it is no longer cost-effective for me to either print and distribute cards myself, or have them printed in bulk. I still have a few older X-mas card packs for sale at Donkeyshines, so check them out if you haven’t already.

Year of the Rooster

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

I have finally finished the last of the 12 Chinese Zodiac designs. The Year of the Rooster just might be one of my favorites, although doing the character was very time-consuming and tricky. You can now buy this design on garments for both adults and children at Donkeyshines Jr.

I will also be updating the Donkeyshines Jr. website within the next couple of weeks.

Year of the Snake

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Now I’ve finished 11 out of 12 of the Chinese Zodiac designs! Here’s the Year of the Snake, available now at Donkeyshines Jr.

Year of the Horse (Revisited)

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

I did a new version of the Year of the Horse Chinese Zodiac design:

I’d say it’s much better than the old one. Wouldn’t you agree?

The New Year of the Horse design is available on T-shirts for adults and children at Donkeyshines Jr.

Year of the Sheep

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Here’s the latest Chinese Zodiac design: Year of the Sheep. It’s currently available at Donkeyshines Jr. on t-shirts for adults and children. Go see!

Year of the Rat

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

Year of the Rat makes number 8 of 12 of the Chinese Zodiac designs. It is now available at Donkeyshines Jr. on t-shirts for adults and children.