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You wouldn’t think a crab would need to wear a bathing suit. And check out the stylish singlet worn by the brick-headed fella. Is he from the 1920’s?
He’s a vampire cheeseburger-face with love in his eyes, and love in his heart. And beside him is a flying furry sphere who is here to be his wing man on his quest to find the woman of his dreams.
Summer is the season for magic.
Check it out: There’s a snake shaped like the number “3”.
The flying marshmallow seems to approve of this crime, for some reason.
Note that the victim is wearing a fanny pack…
I like to think that if someday I forget my hat (god forbid), it will be returned to me.
I wish I had a trampoline.
Would you be this happy if you had lizard feet? I would not.
More people should wear bow ties and head bands together.