Author Archive

Super Envy

Monday, January 30th, 2012

So I’ve decided to get back to posting the doodles and sketches I do when I’m barely thinking about it, because I kind of like them. I hesitate to committing to posting one every day because I know sometimes I just won’t get around to it for whatever reason. Anyway, he’s this one:

Julia Stiles’s Head on Tara Reid’s Body

Monday, January 16th, 2012

I did this digital painting as a gift for a friend of mine. He likes both Tara Reid and Julia Stiles, but I only had time to paint one of them, so I compromised. I am not necessarily a fan of either woman, although Julia Stiles and I do share a birthday. It was a fun little exercise in portraiture, color and brushwork. I feel the facial likeness could be better (I didn’t paint straight from any single photo, trying to combine elements of a bunch), but I’m pretty happy with how Reid’s body came out.

Leela and Zoidberg X-mas Card

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Here is the X-mas card my wife made me this year. It features our new kittens attacking their namesakes from Futurama. Vanessa is much better at art than I am at science.

Monkeyshines X-mas

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

Here is the X-mas card I gave to my wife. I think it’s actually more frightening than the Devil card.

Overall, I’m pretty happy with how it came out. I wouldn’t consider the tree to be as finished as I’d like, but I had the hard deadline if I wanted it to give it to Vanessa in time for X-mas. I know I could technically go back into it now, but if I make a habit of that, then I’ll never finish anything ever.

Devil’s X-mas

Monday, December 5th, 2011

I know it may spoil the surprise for the family members I send X-mas cards to, but I worked hard on this, so I’ve decided to post it.

Devil X-mas

It look me longer than I think it should have, but I’m still learning how to digitally paint. I actually used photos of a friend of mine as the inspiration for The Devil. Writchy doesn’t always look like Satan, but for some reason he did on October 30, 2011. Go figure. In addition to modeling for X-mas cards, Writchy is a brilliant writer, and you should check out his work at Intrusive Thoughts. I won’t be selling this card, as it is no longer cost-effective for me to either print and distribute cards myself, or have them printed in bulk. I still have a few older X-mas card packs for sale at Donkeyshines, so check them out if you haven’t already.

Interplanetary Adoption

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Years ago, I did a pencil sketch of a gorilla holding a baby alien for a birthday card to my wife. She loves primates. As I recently have been teaching myself digital painting in Photoshop, I decide to revisit this idea for a new birthday card to my wife. I am pretty happy with the results. Not only is it by far my best digital painting so far, it may be one of the best pieces of art I’ve ever made.

Year of the Rooster

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

I have finally finished the last of the 12 Chinese Zodiac designs. The Year of the Rooster just might be one of my favorites, although doing the character was very time-consuming and tricky. You can now buy this design on garments for both adults and children at Donkeyshines Jr.

I will also be updating the Donkeyshines Jr. website within the next couple of weeks.

Year of the Snake

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Now I’ve finished 11 out of 12 of the Chinese Zodiac designs! Here’s the Year of the Snake, available now at Donkeyshines Jr.

Year of the Horse (Revisited)

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

I did a new version of the Year of the Horse Chinese Zodiac design:

I’d say it’s much better than the old one. Wouldn’t you agree?

The New Year of the Horse design is available on T-shirts for adults and children at Donkeyshines Jr.

Year of the Sheep

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Here’s the latest Chinese Zodiac design: Year of the Sheep. It’s currently available at Donkeyshines Jr. on t-shirts for adults and children. Go see!