My wife and I are involved in this 12-week exercise program affiliated with MIT called Getfit. It is designed to motivate you to exercise by giving you weekly goals in minutes. They also provide a bunch of little events and such to encourage participants to interact with each other for support. One of these events is a contest to design the annual Getfit t-shirt which is given out to all participants after the 12 weeks are completed. As a guy who designs t-shirts professionally, I figured I might as well enter:
Today, I was notified that my design was not chosen as a finalist. From what I’ve been told, this should not have been surprising news. My design, while meeting all the contest requirements, was just a little too wacky for the conservative-minded committee that chooses these things. I think they should reconsider their standards. I say, if you are going to give out a free t-shirt to promote your event, why not make it the kind of design that stands out? In fact, I will do my part to help them reconsider by vowing to re-submit this exact same design (with different year, of course) EVERY YEAR until it is not only chosen as a finalist, but actually wins the contest. Full disclosure: this year isn’t actually the first time I submitted this design…